Case Studies

Marine Survey
Environment Agency Marine Management
Full crewing and management of a number of the Environment Agency national Marine Management vessel, technical management of smaller vessels and rigid hulled inflatables and phased fleet renewal.

Yell 11kV Cable Installation
Briggs Marine was appointed to install a replacement power cable between Mossbank and Yell. This cable forms part of SSEs distribution network around the Shetland Isles, an essential link in providing utilities to remote communities.

Aquila Recovery, Mallaig
In July 2009 Scallop trawler Aquila caught its nets on an unchartered obstruction 20 miles SSW off Mallaig.

Future Provision of Marine Services
Briggs Marine are contracted to develop and implement maintenance, logistic support and inventory management for the maintenance of some 220 aids to navigation and 110 heavy moorings in use by UK MoD and their permitted users.

Royal Oak Oil Removal Programme
On October 31 1939 HMS Royal Oak was sunk by U Boat attack in Scapa Flow, with the loss of 914 sailors. At the time of sinking the vessel was loaded with a full complement of munitions and Bunker oil.